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Report like a pro with riskrate.

Categorize, analyze and forecast with AI. Run your first forecast in 3 minutes.

30-day fully featured free trial.  No credit card required.

Trusted by
Auranmaan Tilitiimi

Thousands of leading small and medium size businesses

We provide high-quality financial advisory services to our customers with riskrate assistant.

Laura Matikainen
Service Manager

We provide high-quality financial advisory services to our customers with riskrate assistant.

Markus Hänninen Tiliporras
Markus Hänninen
CEO, co-Founder

We provide high-quality financial advisory services to our customers with riskrate assistant.

Riskrate Financial Reporting Assistant (4).png
Maija Kankkunen
CEO, Founder
Taloustaito Ainola

of customers are satisfied with riskrate


user hours saved on average every year

5 min

customer support response time

How riskrate works

Get started with 3 easy steps.

Riskrate Financial Reporting Assistant

Upload a file in seconds

Upload a general ledger CSV or connect with the integration.

Riskrate Financial Reporting Assistant

Report like a pro

Run reports with AI:  easier, faster, and more accurate than ever.  

Riskrate Financial Reporting Assistant

Share with a click

Share a digital report and forecast with a click to your customer. 

Report smarter

Cut the production cost of one high-quality report by 99% with riskrate automation.

3 sec 

riskrate Financial Reporting Automation for Small Teams

Integration work


Set up project


Upload CSV/ connect software

7 sec - 3 min

Run analyzed financial report

3 sec 

Share report with your team

2 sec 

Share your first analyzed forecast in less than 3 minutes
30-day fully featured free trial.  No credit card required.
Riskrate top features
Riskrate Financial Reporting Assistant
Run unique forecasts
in seconds
Never start from scratch with riskrate's automatic AI forecast model that understands business trends.
Riskrate Financial Reporting Assistant
Analyze financial data with a click
With riskrate, you can analyze large datasets in seconds and get a unique financial overview for each customer.
Riskrate Financial Reporting Assistant
Share reports
like a Pro
Share your interactive reports like a pro. It's easy for your client without the need to log into the platform.
Group consolidation
on autopilot
Cut consolidation time by 100%: Get a multi-entity, multi-currency overview in seconds.
Riskrate Financial Reporting Assistant
Work more easily with your team: invite an unlimited number of team members to get on the same page faster.
All data is encrypted in transit and at rest. The best-in-class security and the most effortless user administration.
Why riskrate

Time is your most valuable resource. Boost your financial advisory services without investments.

Outstanding savings

from day one

See how much your team can save with riskrate. The more reports, the higher profits.

Riskrate Financial Reporting Assistant

Serve more customers

without hiring new staff

With riskrate, you can cut over 99% of the time spent on financial reporting and create an advisory service without hiring new staff.

Riskrate Financial Reporting Assistant

Supercharge your profits with automation

With riskrate, the production cost of one analyzed financial report and forecast is a fraction of a tailored report.

Riskrate Financial Reporting Assistant

Get more loyal customers with high-quality service

Clients receiving accounting and financial services are more likely to stay long-term. With riskrate, you can personalize services to get more loyal customers.

Suunta team loves Customers and numbers. Automation helps the Suunta team focus on what matters most: the Customers. Read more

Automation is a North Star for Relion

Relions latest NPS is an impressive 80, telling how much SMB owners value their modern financial advisory services and automation. Read more
Taloustaito Ainola's team successfully provides customers with unique, high-quality financial services faster with automation. Read more
Share reports your customers will love

Run high-quality digital financial reports and forecasts with a click to save your time. 

Riskrate Cash forecast
Cash forecast and runway with a few clicks
Run your business with confidence with an easy cash flow analysis.
Riskrate Actual vs Budget
Multi-entity forecast vs. actual in real-time
Stay on top of your budget, forecasts, and scenarios vs. actual in real-time.
Riskrate Board Report
Board deck with a click
Be prepared for a board meeting with accurate board reports with a click.
Riskrate Financial KPIs
Financial KPIs for
a minute overview
Gain an instant overview of your business with financial KPI reports.
Riskrate Financial Overview
Monthly financial overview with a click 
Supercharge your decision-making with a monthly financial overview.
Riskrate Group consolidation
Group consolidation on autopilot 
Save your precious time and run group consolidation on autopilot.

And much more. Run your first financial report here →

Try it free. No credit card required.

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